Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Royal Servants. . . and other stuffs.

So, I officially sent in my Royal Servants application. This means all I have to do is wait for my prep pack, and then I can start fundraising. Yay! God provided the application fee, so I could send it in earlier than I thought. I am really so excited (and a tad relieved) to have officially signed up.

I have started re-writing/revising my support letter. I am so nervous about raising the funds, but I know that since God told me to go, he will provide the money, even in this economy.

Did I mention I had a dream the other night? I was on the bus to training camp, and we pulled up to the hayfield it's held on. I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. God told me at that moment in the dream that if I walked in his will, it may not be pleasant but it will be amazing. I had the dream on Saturday night, and by Monday morning had the application in the mail. I'm so proud of myself.

In other news, un-royal servants related, I LOVE MY MAJOR! Some of the classes are just annoying, but I LOVE Micro Bio. (Someone please remind me of that about midterm and at finals?) The lab is just so cool. The quizzes, not so much. but the looking at cool things under a microscope? Oh, I love it. I was looking at one of my own cheek cells (sounds boring, right?) But I have a quirky cool teacher. and he was like "Hey, look! see your nucleus??? Your personal DNA is in there! No one else has the same DNA!!!" and I looked at the microscope, and it was amazing. (I contained my excitement because everyone else is bored out of their minds, but i wanted to jump up and down. I was like. .. DUDE! I can see my DNA (not really but sorta!) AWESOME! Haha, maybe it's best to have people with a childlike sense of wonder in a science degree.

Anyways, that's all for the moment.


Annie said...

Thanks so much for sharing this. We are still trying to decide what Crissy wants to do this summer. This is great encouragement. Lovely blog by the way :)

agirlsolostinGod said...

Aw. . .mostly I use my blog as a way to express my feelings, but I decided I'd start letting people read it. :) I'm glad I was a help! (and thanks, I spent some time on it.) :D