Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sometimes I get to the point where there is just so much on my mind i think my head might actually explode. Last night I was awake an extra hour because i had so much i was thinking about. Oh and never talk to people at all when you are overtired. You say really stupid, idiotic things. and then they really bug you for a long time. 

Things on my mind:
Camp Arnold. (I really x infinity want that job...)
homework. and there is a lot of it. 
and most of all on the top of my mind is stuff that happened this weekend. sigh....

sometimes it would be easiest to lower my standards. to drop the flag, so to speak, to lose the banner, and give up fighting. However, as we all know, that's not the way to do it. Running away from the problems and the rules isn't gonna help anything. But it feels like it would be easier. 

And my kids are gonna grow up slower than i did. :) cause being older but not is really hard to deal with. i guess i'm just in a rambling melancholy mood. hopefully i pull outta it soon. sigh
oh well

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