Thursday, February 5, 2009


I've had so much on my mind lately. after gen unleashed, it's like God has given me such a hunger for his word and things of him. it's so nice when you know he is speaking to your heart in a very real way. 

I am such a type A personality, such a perfectionist. I have really felt God telling me that I don't need to try so hard to be perfect, I merely need to strive for excellence. There is a big difference. When you strive to be perfect, nothing is good enough. Getting a "B' in one term of one class makes me feel like I've failed. However, when you strive for excellence, a "B" is not such a bad thing if you know you worked your hardest. Although I DO wish I could be the genius everyone thinks I am. 

Lately, I've had such a hunger for God's word! I sat at a coffee shop reading, thinking, and journaling for a while the other day, and when i was done I still felt hungry! I just wanted to absorb so much! I don't know. I've just had such a desire for knowledge. I get so frustrated because I don't know the kind of things that I want to.  I want to know what God wants me to do in my life. I want to know that i know that i am walking in his will. And that is slightly impossible....well, lets say improbable. 

Oh well. I just pray that God would help me and make things clear to me in due time. For now, some pics for you!

A. Madee and I in the bus stop outside the library.

B. This was not staged. Johanna and I looked opposite ways and Rachel snapped the photo. 

C. Madee is so darn adorable when she laughs. 

D. Me, Madee, and Johannah striking a pose on a bridge. (under which there was no water at all. and it smelled so bad...haha)

E. Rachel striking a very model-y pose. 

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