Friday, February 20, 2009


God is so good! I have been kinda depressed this week. Really having a hard time with having a happy attitude and a joyful spirit. Today has been the climax of said feelings. However, God in his amazing - ness knew exactly the kinds of things I needed to cheer me up, at least a little. 

I was sitting on my bed. Practicing my guitar, and basically feeling sorry for myself. First, I got a call from a friend. Now, the phone didn't actually just randomly decided to tell me i had a voicemail. This made me mad at first because I wanted to talk to the person...but after I listened to the message I realized it was a God thing. The friend randomly called me and was reminding me that I was beautiful. Now, I kinda had a guilt nudge from God right then, and I started crying. I was praying, asking God why he loves me. Why he thinks I'm beautiful, when I can't keep it together to save my life. Why he even cares about me when I make so many mistakes. 

Then, still crying, I went to my mom. She told me that the problem is I need to find something to live for, instead of just pushing through the days to get through them. What an idea! 

Moms give such great advice. 

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