Sunday, January 18, 2009


Today has been a strange day. I have seen the goodFree Smiley Face Courtesy of, the badFree Smiley Face Courtesy of, the uglyFree Smiley Face Courtesy of, the smellyFree Smiley Face Courtesy of, and the really really really cuteFree Smiley Face Courtesy of It all started this morning....
I woke up to the song "You Can Let Go Now, Daddy." (If you've never heard it, the title's pretty self explanatory.) It's weird....i've mysteriously woken up to that song several days in a row now, and it always starts my day off sort of melancholyFree Smiley Face Courtesy of I then attempted to get ready to be at church in time....which kinda didn't work, cause i couldn't get my outfit straight (yeah yeah it's a girl thing) and then i didn't have time to do anything with my hair. (pouty face!)Free Smiley Face Courtesy of I got to church, and I was really happy to see that Alan had already set most of the coffee cart stuff up, so being late wasn't a big deal. (good thing = Free Smileys & Emoticons at Clip Art
Then, I went to make my first coffee. I checked the date on the milk, which was the 19th. 
Now, today's only the 18th, and we all know milk can last longer than the date on the 
package. I thought I was more than in the green, but when I went to pour it, it came out 
cottage cheese like. yeah. it was baddd....... (smelly = Free Smiley Face Courtesy of To add to that particular emotion is the fact that the creamer pitcher never got washed right,
so it smelled bad, and the first half and half i pulled out was empty. (who puts empty jugs back in
the fridge? Free Smiley Face Courtesy of geeze! Free Smiley Face Courtesy of haha. Then I found out we were out of just about everything. What is the number one ingredient in almost every drink? chocolate. And what do you think we were out of? mmmhm. You guessed it. Chocolate. Then we were also out of lids, the nonfat milk was bad too, and we had no whipped cream. Which came quite close to making some very unhappy customers. By this point, I was quite ready to be unhappy and Free Smiley Face Courtesy of However, I made the choice not to, and worked through it anyways.

Then, another good thing, Al Egg preached today. I love it when he preaches, because he uses lots of stories, illustrations, and jokes to get the point across. It's so easy to pay attention with him. And it was a good message, too! Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Then, I went back after church, finished a few drinks, and made $9 in tips. I was so excited. $-D haha.

Now comes the cute part!!!! to meet Eliot! For the first time! He is so so so so ADORABLE! and so stinkin light!
omgosh! He is so so little! This is why I love kids so much.....they are so perfect. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of I am in love with a little one 1/2 week old boy. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Then we came home to clean house,Free Smiley Face Courtesy of and I got kinda....sorta.....OK OK REALLY cranky. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgSo I shut myself in my room as to not say things that would make the situation worse, and started writing this blog so that I could re-realize that not everything went wrong today. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Hugs from me! Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

1 comment:

christa jean said...

Tee hee! I'm sure he'll fall in love with you too (you know what I mean ;-D)!
Come on over and see the girls and boy anytime!
Oh yeah, your blog looks so snazzy!