Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am extremely thankful for two things tonight. 

A. That Laura texted me about going to The Way tonight. JM did an excellent job (as always) and God used what he said to kind of give me a "kick in the rear" or a "slap in the face". Basically he told me that he is the same amazing, incredible, magnificent God I saw on royal servants, and he's still speaking to me. I need to get my rear in gear and start listening to him again. 
My (sorely lacking) notes:
*Good is the enemy of best. (There is good and then there is best) 
*The bigger the vision you have been given, the longer the wait to see it brought to pass. 
*Write down what God speaks, otherwise you will probably forget it pretty quickly (sad but true)
*Way back when, He SPOKE through prophets. Today, He SPEAKS to us as often as we are willing to listen (paraphrased)
*The longer you have to wait, the better the vision. 
*Don't just sit back on your hind end and wait for the vision to happen...make the effort needed to cause it to come to pass. (paraphrased)
*A people without a vision are going to end up wandering in circles. 
As you can see, he did an amazing job and I really needed the "get your butt in gear" nudge from God. ok it was more than a nudge. but i needed it so bad it almost felt good. :-)

B. I am thankful that God is ever watching out for me. Tonight was the second time in as many days i almost got in a car accident. (No, I am not a bad driver.) Yesterday I hydroplaned when i was watching traffic and didn't see a creek that was over the road. Thanks to Jesus and Drivers-Ed, I'm safe, and I knew what to do when I needed it. Tonight I hit a patch of black ice coming down off a hill and slid into the other lane. Thank you Jesus I regained control before the single car in sight made it to where i the wrong lane. Again, thanks to an Amazing God and lessons given by drivers-ed and my daddy...I knew what to do and made it where i was going safely. It extremely freaked me out though. I drove 15-20 MPH under the speedlimit the rest of the way. 

Oh well. I guess I have a new "resolution" although i don't want to call it that. I don't have classes till 10. I decided that 1.) I'm going to try making myself a good breakfast every morning. 2.) I'm going to find a quiet place and spend time listening to God. I'd rather read my Bible at night and listen to God in the mornings so that one doesn't overlap into the other. If that means taking the dog for a walk, or just taking a walk by myself...if that means sitting in the living room or going early to class and sitting in my car...I really feel i need to spend time just listening to God. letting him speak to me without the distractions of family, media, and school clouding my mind. I know that the more i put him first and me second, the better off I'll be, and the more he'll speak to me. the more I'll be doing that has purpose. But I have to take the first step, right? 

and before i forget - any blog name ideas? I'm starting to dislike "c'est la vie - ma vie". I want something more creative. feedback por favor!

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