Thursday, December 25, 2008

random musings....

Life just gets so weird sometimes. this is the first time i've been home in about a week and a half. as much as i love the people i was with, boy does it feel good to be home. I feel weird, because our tree is so bare....i didn't have time to buy gifts for anyone. oh well. first off, i'm going to post some pictures of the thanksgiving stuff. 

The apple pie. 

The whole cheesecake (plus a bunch of icky cracks):

The cheesecake with the cran orange topping:

I had so much fun in Minnesota with Eden. Turns out you really do get used to the least in a slight way. :D we had so much fun watchin' movies, hangin out, and just being giggly girls. i do have a couple pictures, though. i will post those too. 

Me and Eden's baby (aka her very nice gun):

Goofin off, playin around:

again, goofin off:

Eden's very sweet dad:

Eden (no, the fan blades sticking out of her head were not intentional):

again, kinda goofin around:

We had a ton of fun. i wish we woulda taken more pictures than we actually did. pooh. oh well, enjoy the pics, pretty soon i'll post some of my christmas gifts.

Merry Christmas. 

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