Thursday, February 9, 2012

Royal Servants

Just wanted to give you a little update about what’s going on in my life. :) I have prayed and sought God ever since I went on Royal Servants in 2008, asking Him if I could go again. This year, I finally felt Him say yes. Then I asked my parents and my friends to pray with me for confirmation and direction. I prayed about every trip Royal Servants leads, and God really pushed me towards Nepal. Josh and I were talking about how God has a “never angel” that writes down all the things you say you’ll “never” do. Back when I went to Europe, I remember saying that I could “never” go to Nepal. It just “wasn’t my thing.” Funny how things change.
From June 16th-August 4th, I will be serving in Nepal. I’ve gotten to serve with them before as a student, but with age comes responsibility. I’m super excited to have the opportunity to serve as a staff discipler this year. Basically, this means that I will be a small group leader for 2-5 teenaged girls. Having an opportunity like this completely combines my love for missions, for serving, and for leading. At the end of my internship with Living Hope last year, I got to be a jr. high cabin leader at summer camp. It was incredible. Challenging, stretching, growing…I really feel like God taught me a lot, as well as using me to teach those girls a lot too. This trip is a great chance for me to use what I learned last summer, and continue to grow in my leadership skills and abilities.
I know this Nepal trip is going to be difficult, but in a good way. I believe God wants to use me to touch people’s lives this summer. There are so many places we get to serve! There is no shortage of ministry on the Nepal mission trip. We’ll perform in villages and schools, love on kids in orphanages, trek through rice paddies to minister in a leper colony, and encourage and pray for “Shanta’s girls” at a safe house for those rescued from sex trafficking. The Nepalese are a people who readily accept Jesus as just another god they can worship. My heart longs to minister to those who so desperately need the redeeming, saving love of Jesus.
This trip is a big step of faith for me. As a recent guest pastor at church said, "If your dreams start and end with you, you're not dreaming big enough.” Well, I’m daring to dream big. I have no idea where the funds will come from. I feel crazy to take a whole summer away from school and work. I do know one thing. I know God asked me to go, and I know he has a plan for how to make it work. (Okay, I guess that’s two things. J)
Please pray for me. I am literally begging for prayers. From the moment I signed up, to the trip itself, all the way up to well after I come home, the enemy will want to try to attack me. Discouragement, doubt, and fear are three big giants to fight. Pray for finances. (I will need roughly $5000 to go.) Pray for spiritual preparation. Pray that all my stuff fits in my blue-pack (duffle-bag). Please, just pray.
If you feel God leading your heart to support me, you can go to and give to them directly (follow the directions and look for my name, or use fund number P007235 - RS). If you look on the right side of the blog, you'll also see a small list of supplies that I need to purchase.  Up until my trip I will be posting updates (as to finances and preparations) here on my blog. I’ll try to update in Nepal, but I don’t know what our internet access will look like.
Thank you so much in advance for your prayers!

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