Monday, March 2, 2009

rainbows...God's promises in the darkest times.

Today, the weather was quite strange. It was warm....but it wasn't. It rained...and then it didn't. I walked into Target, leaving my jacket behind. I said to myself, "It's warm and beautiful! Let's soak up the sun while we can!" Ten minutes later as I walked out of Target, I realized that 'while we can' was the key phrase in that statement. It was now pouring. And by pouring, I mean BIG fat raindrops. I dash to my truck and quickly get in, then sit for a moment to catch my breath. As I look out one side of my truck, I see sunlight and blue sky. On the other side, however, the first thing to catch my eye is the presence of giant black clouds. I mean big-huge-black-monster-looking clouds. However, the second thing I saw was the most important. A rainbow. and not just any rainbow. This just might have been the brightest rainbow I have ever seen. It was gorgeous! 

That was when I felt God speak to my heart. He reminded me that even when life seems like it's full of big, huge, scary black monsters, His promises are still true. And those days when I feel like I can't catch a glimpse of him because I'm so down in despair? I don't have to see the sun to catch the rainbow. I don't have to see the sun to appreciate the promise. And another thing! The reason the rainbow was so big, and so colorful, and so gorgeous, was because it had the backdrop of the big black clouds. Without the clouds, it would have been a normal rainbow. But because they were there, it was bigger and more impressive than it might have been otherwise. In the bad times, in the big black scary times is when I should be reminded of God's promises the most. On a clear day, the rainbow may still be there, but it's harder to see for the beauty of everything else. 

It takes the clouds to show the promise. It takes the bad times to reveal/remind of the promises. hmmm. interesting idea. 

On another note - 
Some people know i've been planning on going on another Royal Servant's trip. I was planning on going to China in 2010. However, today, I had a slight revelation. God's been pushing for my attention for months now. Maybe I'm not s'posed to go to China. Maybe I'm sposed to go back to Europe. I'm not sure what I think. I mean, I love the idea of going back to Europe. I have a heart for Europe. It's little brother was going to go on Europe '10. and I don't want to steal his show. I want him to have the experience of a lifetime without big sis over his head. I just don't know what to do. I guess I'll take some time to ponder that too. (I did tell my  mom, either way I am SO getting tevas this time. Last time I was petty and said they were ugly. :D which they are. but they are exactly perfect for royal servants.)

Why do I always have so much to think about? This is like the two major things. Not even close to everything that's whirling around in my brain. Oy gevalt. (I love yiddish, haha) 

oh well

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