Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, first let me say, happy thanksgiving to all. I hope your day is filled with good food, family, and fun. 

Also...I'm kinda proud of myself. As of this second, I have made a sweet potato pie, an apple pie, and I'm making a cranberry cheesecake. I am also doing all the cooking for tomorrow other than the turkey. :D haha. 

hmmmm.... on top of that, i'm getting up at three fri morning to go shopping. :D :D :D you guys have nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo idea how excited i am. oh and i'm pretty sure I'm gonna freeze my butt off when i get to MN. I am even trying to find a nice, semi on sale warm jacket because all of mine are very... NW jackets....they're made for rain, not cold. I'm so excited tho................. 

that's all for now. I guess i'm jsut rambling. but tomorrow, I will post photos of all the food from my very first thanksgiving dinner (one that i've made, I mean)

Love you all very much.

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