Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Perfect Kind of Love

I've been feeling a bit....lyrical lately. This was something I wrote, one of the first not too personal to share. Enjoy....and if you like, I'd love a comment. :) .........and yes, I did use one made up word.

sit in a room full of friends
And feel 
completely alone?

pick up the phone
And realize 
there's no one?

What is it about this life
So full of instant communication
That leaves us utterly, completely...

Desperate seems to fit
The symptoms i see in so many
In my family, friends
In myself, even.

In this stimulant filled
Luxurious, first world life
We're desperate
For something more.

What? What is it
That we need, want
Desperately deny, yet
Long for?

Money, possessions, technology
Yet nothing is enough
To satisfy the desperate ache
We try so hard to satiate.

We live in a country 
Where we have so much 
Yet, we get so little

We search for it.
That thing to fill the ache
A mate, a meaning
A home.

Why else
Do we cheapen love 
To equal sex
And settle for second best?

Because....we ache. 
Created for so much more
For a perfect kind of love
We instead choose "good enough."

My heart screams to know.

Must i also choose
A poor imitation of perfection
To be whole, complete,

Do i have to let
Second best be good enough
To stop the ache
And fill the hole?

No. I'm putting my foot down.
I will not settle, bend,
Break or bow
Not for a cheap replica.

I choose
I choose
A perfect kind of love

A love no human can create
Hollywood doesn't have it
Its too big to fit their script
Too wonderful to fake.

This agape love,
Who can imagine
Abba father 
Loves with passion

Who i am is good enough
No need to impress
He sees my inside
And loves me through

Now I'm complete
A whole new me 
His love opened my eyes
Now i can really see.

There's a world out there
Full of people just like me
Desperate for a change
I gotta help them see!

There's something different to be had
Something better than their dreams
A God who's love is unconditional
For sinners, just like me.

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