Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I have news! :)

This weekend, I had a garage sale to raise some of the funds for my trip. I needed to make $465 to meet a deadline on Monday, and I prayed for "just enough". When doing garage sales in the past, I had never made more than $100 total, and I was having quite a hard time believing that I would even get enough. Friday came and went, and the sale made $400! God really blessed the effort, and I was super happy. I never would have guessed what would happen Saturday. Saturday, we made another $400. God pretty much DOUBLED what I needed for my deadline! It finally made it clear to me that God has got it all under control. To be honest, it took all the anxiety away. I still have to raise $2,435 for the trip, plus around $500 for my plane ticket to Chicago....but I'm not worried anymore. If my God can provide $800 in a single weekend of petty sales, how much more can He do with the month I have left before I leave? As my lovely friend Shelley said, God does "exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all we ask or seek."

I have another garage sale coming up June 1st & 2nd. If you have anything you would be willing to donate, please let me know. I have lots of clothes and toys, but baby stuff, house stuff, and furniture would be fantastic!

Continue to pray with me and for me. I can't do this alone! I need your support, your love, and your prayers.


1 comment:

Megan said...

How wondeful! That is great news! I have your newsletter posted on my wall and think of you often. Praying that you are continually suprised by God's faithfulness.

God bless your next sale!!!