Thursday, May 24, 2012

20 days!

I've got lots on my mind (as usual!) so bear with me, here.

I leave in 20 days! Oy! So much to do before then. There's a lot I need to buy for my trip, a lot of little details I need to take care of...all while trying to maintain some semblance of sanity! At this stage in the game, I really covet your prayers. Here's what's going on:

My visa application didn't go through because I didn't fill out one of the lines right. Argh! This means that I need to jump through all the hoops to get them the information. By the way, *how* to get them that information is not so clearly defined! Please pray that I figure this out quickly, and that from there on the visa application would be processed with no hold-ups! 

I desperately need to purchase my plane ticket to Chicago. In the past, my parents have helped me with that portion of my trip, however, that's not something they can do this year. I am trusting God for the finances, but getting a little concerned about needing to book the ticket. I am needing a sum of about $670....yesterday. The biggest problem with it is that I need to have that money personally, not in my Royal Servants account. Please pray that God would give me peace about the whole thing, and that everything would just fall into place according to his plan and perfect timing!

Last but not least, an update on the rest of my fundraising: We finally reached the $2000 mark!!!!!!!! Hooray! I'm currently at $2145, and I need $2360 more to cover the full cost of the trip. Please continue to pray with me for God's blessing and hand on this aspect of my trip; believe with me that the funds WILL come in! 

That's all for now. Thanks for all your love, prayers, and support!

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