Monday, October 11, 2010

my day today.

Well. Doncha love those days when God convicts you? Yeah. Today was one of those days. I shoved my phone in my pocket....and that broke it. Because i have a sliding droid2 phone...and my credit card slid in between the two pieces. So i go straight to verizon....and the lady says they'll cover it under my warranty, because the magnetic strip couldn't have done it, so they would replace it. Theeeeeeeen I explained that she misunderstood me, and told her what really happened....and found out that because "I broke it" warranty doesn't cover it. So I have to pay $50 copay for insurance to fix it. While I'm in the throes of thanking God for insurance, I'm also freaking out about not knowing how I'm gonna pay the $50 fee. This is when the Holy Spirit gently comes in and reminds me that....that is the exact amount i sold my old phone for. He was already looking out for me before I knew I would need it. I didn't spend it.....and I was planning on saving it for my car fund, but hey. 's all good. I feel like God orchestrated the whole situation so that He could remind me that He cares about me more than I know. sigh. I hope my weird day encouraged you. 

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